luni, 31 iulie 2017

turnul de veghe

ieri mi-am amintit de marea
cu miros de alge
când umpleam seara
cu respirația mea de cristal
inima crucii înfiptă în cuiele de lemn
tremura cu numele atârnat
o să ne fie cald poate o să ne fie bine ziceai tu
îndemnându-mă să visez dimineți albe
cu flori împletite din gânduri
cuibărite în răsaduri de departe
se arata fața vânzătorului de păsări
și eu mă înveleam cu genunchii strânși
simțeam valurile mării și miile de scoici eliberate
se încarnau pe sub unghii acum
sunt doar un turn de veghe
înviat la răscrucile altor mări
umbra mea apasă ca pe un foc infernal
în vreme ce din gură-mi ies vălătuci de
istorii culese de pe treptele templului
pomul traiului de azi nu mai dă roade
florăreasa oacheșă ne așează buchete de iasomie
alăturea de trupuri pe tăblia aceea a păcatului
cunoșteam noaptea ca pe o virgină

duminică, 30 iulie 2017



I research
In the dark blue
with heart
I want grow up
I wish I could
With the nail
All the trees and
feel like
my arms
To crack

în întunericul
cu inima
aş vrea
să cresc îmi zic
aş vrea să pot
cu unghia
toţi pomii şi
simt cum braţele-mi
înmugurite încep
să trosnească

joi, 27 iulie 2017

is as if

I still could live
deep in an
unseen window
baroque sound sat
step over step
time over another time
free sclave
who drink
the clay of it’s own

miercuri, 26 iulie 2017

the shrine of life

I dream myself
door – living image
carved by a hand
too skilfull a door that opens
towards the leaden ray I love the sea
the chilly air of the iron nights because
only at night I have time for moans
my dear seeker of wishes
then I have lively times descended
of roars of dreams
I ease your crushed knees
burned hands which have carried
with honour a rusty sword
as a daughter of death
in fight
I dream myself
like this
as if I opened
the same door – empty image-
craved over
shrine of lives
underneath your shirt

luni, 24 iulie 2017


Eve promises (of the volume,, World Mirror)
Motto: "My poor blue heart,
When you think rid of old torment,
A tear comes back and you press
with forehead in destiny. "
I would break the wing in you,
To sleep in the rubble on, profane
And I'd tie me with your wing
Still live on fresh clay, untouched,
even a year ...
I gaze off singing,
In your eyes ignited by pathless,
And I'd wake up forever love
On your dying bed ...
I'd put the letter obsolete at bedside
And I'd look down, flirtatious
As his first shadow
I break during the difficult moments,
And I look for a moment strayed among them,
What was gone, and will be
only yours.
Fangs seeking their flesh (Colți care își caută trup)
In time
open some windows
pilgrim over
white blooming apricot tree
ivory stick into my skull cracked
body seeks its violent elephants
ah violent
stars sprout
a long forgotten savanna
ruby eyes and body man
azure strewn in my veins
braided with strands of frayed horizon
snapping the welfare larvae shine
fingers cleştar
sharp fangs thrusts of my mouth
who still seek for body
in a stellar graveyard
Give life (Dau viaţă)
Bite of the apple hypocrisy
a world turned ticking
adam's spear
hollows wood
give life to the dead!
taking this body
looked at the edges fate
as witness
between me and
I-my master
Hypnotic wave 2 (Hipnotic val 2)
What do you want?
To take
Piles of infinity
To bury in zenith?
! Hell
Hear something?
Someone calls you in the middle of the night? ...
It's only mirror of the life
From your life,
calls you to tie
And now, in powder
In smoke
To fall,
And then the ashes asleep
To gather
Syllables found dead (Găsesc silabe moarte)
During throw my back
unforgiven guilt
and tighten my eye from ashes
smoked his lens ...
my light reign in tavern
I smooth and horizon
with the eternal hand
word humbles himself
It is caterpillar
and heart flashes,
closes in niche ...
do not look me!
because time dress coat
the eternal beggar
smutty extends his hand toward you,
he believe mortal ...
I shout-he's my condor far
came to swallow the abyss,
to erase from my words
who died in me,
but they were born in the book!
with the finger on lips
I stay crucified in one verse,
You kissed me on the head
and you kidnapped me from the universe ...
I still fly through galaxies in the distance,
collect bits of love,
Lost in despair ...
and I turn in the rose,
with forehead mystery,
my thoughts soar toward the sun,
what transcends beyond the sky ...
by goals, meet syllables death
blast them into wings, I wake up,
Sidereal on your forehead,
and stick them painstaking ...
looking mirror immortality
I relate it in waters,
I can speak your name
in thousands of whispers ...
The poem reconciliation with Heaven (Poemul împăcărilor cu Cerul)
I write on a tear from heaven: Love,!
Even voice today is much louder,
But again, the rain comes in thoughts
And drowning in the depths my flight.
I write on a wing star: Forgiveness!
Ant I want to touch your forehead,
But your star slips into the sea,
And I tired to call you.
I write on white paper, old
Messages burned, full of thrill,
But the wind blowing in my letters,
And hide under the shadow of a cloud.

luni, 17 iulie 2017

in the tower of waters

all the roads have closed
in the tower of waters
we may live
with borrowed lungs
we still swell one
asleep swing
of lonely childrenhood
today I shall obey
today I shall be
a small and caressing rain
That only I can be for you
Open your soul my love
my yell
the empty towers, the wall
is raising inside you
havens of light
and shadows
stay next to you
in my water`s face
with obedience drops
on your forehead
I bow to you.

 În turnul apelor

Toate drumurile s-au închis
În turnul apelor
Putem trăi
Cu plămâni împrumutați
Încă mai mâncăm unul
o alta-
Adormi leagăn
De copii singuratici
Astăzi voi asculta
Astăzi voi fi
O ploaie mica si mângâietoare
Că numai eu pot fi pentru tine
Deschide sufletul meu dragostea mea
Urla mea
Turnurile goale, zidul
Se ridică înăuntrul tău
Paradisuri de lumină
Și umbre
Stați alături de dvs.
În fața mea de apă
Cu picături de ascultare
Pe frunte
Te plec.


dreaming of you

My heart vibrates
In another sign
often drips
by force with troubled moments
over my body of loam
descend human hand
with look lost
My memory traces the stars
gathered on the shoulders of time blooming
do not know to dream
molten in color
in cups of silver