sâmbătă, 3 iunie 2017


in a patience
in the fire
Looking scary thought
Eyes in the eyes of miss wells
,, nobody can me bypass,,
Only now am I
Only now I can feel again
Like an atom that has split
In Two mankind -,, I am,, I say,
Without a trace
No glory or halo,,
Forgotten in a hyphen
Executed in a word
Carry on my shoulders tandemuri
Hands soaked
Find me
and forgive me
And I step over face
Like goldens herbs

come on

Dorina Neculce Obedeya

Come on, come on!
I am an object
well kept
No one touches me
In the darkness of the leaves
I was born as a look turned
upside down
With Deep veins
Surely in sunset
Ice man I tear the retina
Throw me in the side:
Come on, I say,
In my world blue
hell hounds rises
Literati drinking chill coffee
Playing a fate
like a  the small smile :
I resign, and say, come, come,
In my world of song
Sparks and swarming
Cemeteries are
In the thread of life
Knitting Illusions.